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One of the most essential things in the world is education surely. And it got changed for many times to give better information to people. But unfortunately, some of the methods failed about the goal that they have thought. Yes, it’s not really hard to change the system but the people spent their years to learn something in that incorrect education methods. There is no chance to take the time back but there is a great chance to give more useful education to the next generations. So, if we don’t want to waste our precious time for teaching with these wrong methods, we have got to be careful and we should be open for the innovations.

As a teacher, I have experienced lots of methods and even of some of them are really wrong, we needed to teach them. And now, there is a new education method which is the combination of industry and education and it is EDUCATION 4.0 and this is like a golden key that opens the heart of every child. I said the golden key because it never makes pressure on students to learn every single subject. It encourages them to explore themselves and they might know who they truly are through EDUCATION 4.0. There is a great option that student-based education and with this way they will work on the things that they are really good at. The attitude of the teacher and the way that they give information is the main thing about whether will students love school or not. Undoubtedly, digital learning methods have already captured the attention of academia around the world, therefore more and more colleges and universities, particularly in developed countries have integrated E-learning into their systems to cater distance education needs. However, the developing countries are still lagging behind due to expensive LMSs and related logistics.

Education 4.0 will be leading the industry in future, however the teaching faculty needs immense training to cope with this high velocity impact on teaching and learning. Unfortunately, the most neglected is teacher development to manage education 4.0. What, and how are major questions to address for teaching education 4.0. I would request suggestions to promote teacher development programs to manage, and address the challenges brought by 21st century education. I think that Education 4.0 i.e., the use of information technology to help educate students, is a tool in a toolbox rather than a solution that it is made out to be. There are some fundamental like extensive and intensive reading that are being missed out thus attention spans shorten. Hence having critical debates and in-depth research gets broken up into so many small parts and means, that a full appreciation of a phenomenon is rarely not gained. One example is my students have class slides at least a week in advance yet few (possibly 6 out of 90) read the slides before class, translate words or look for discussion points even though they have access through their phones. Even if class is prepared with video links and such students attention span and concept of work has changed. Perhaps Education is making things too easy/accessible for students and other areas, call it soft skills, are lost.

Students have extensive resources but do not use it. Prudent use of technology is important. Teachers need to guide students around technology not just use it in presenting material and having discussions. School administration needs to help by balancing the curriculum so that fundamentals investigative and critical thinking skills are not lost to the mass. Thus, some classes need to be technology free (or limited). Education should focus on the all-round development of the individual. However, the wholesale adoption of technology would not solve that.