One of the most essential things in the world is education surely. And it got changed for many times to give better information to people. But unfortunately, some of the methods failed about the goal that they have thought. Yes, it’s not really hard to change the system but the people spent their years to learn...
Education is extremely important for the base of a human being.And this journey starts when we came to this world. It’s like a circle that pass from one to another generation. Some wrong education methods have passed until these years and we can see these problematic means of teaching when we examine some countries. Actually, these wrong education...
The Third Transnational Meeting (TPM) of the project named “Education 4.0 for Youth” accepted by the Turkish National Agency within the scope of Erasmus+, coordinated by Kahramanmaraş Teknokent, was held on 22 June 2022 in Kahramanmaraş Teknokent...
The International Digital Competency Workshop was held on June 21, 2022, in Kahramanmaraş Teknokent, within the scope of the "Education 4.0 for Youth" project conducted by Kahramanmaraş Teknokent. KSÜ Vice-Rectors, Prof. Dr. Zekeriya PAK and Prof. Dr. İbrahim Taner OKUMUŞ, Dean of KSU Faculty of Education Prof. Mustafa YAZICI, Dean of KSÜ Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÜNSAL, Dean of KSU Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Dr. Hasan SERİN, Director of İstiklal University Türkoğlu Vocational School, Dr. Instructor Mehmet GÖK, Kahramanmaraş Provincial Director of Industry and Technology, Mr. Kadir ÜNSAL, academics from different units of KSU, representatives of Education 4.0 for Youth project partners, teachers, university and high school...
Numbered 2020-1-TR01-KA205-084906, supported by the European Union Erasmus+ Program, coordinated by Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Yönetim A.Ş. was carried out in Kahramanmaraş Teknokent with participants from 5 different countries. The opening meeting of the project was attended by Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Board members, M. Kamil Dedeoğlu, Erdoğan Emrah Hatunoğlu and Lecturer. See. Mesut Bilginer, together with the Teknokent team and project partners from Greece (Institue of Entrepreneurship Development), Slovenia (Drustvo Bodi Svetloba), Latvia (Ecological Future Education), Romania (Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiatiativa Civica), Türkiye (Ed-U-Tek) and Macedonia (CET Platforma) . A series of meetings...